Fixed Size Key

Fixed size key sorted lexicographically for Multi Index Table.


Functions Documentation

function deprecated

template<size_t Size>
class eosio::deprecated(
    "Replaced by fixed_bytes" 

Fixed size key sorted lexicographically for Multi Index Table

Template parameters:

Get number of words contained in this fixed_key object. A word is defined to be 16 bytes in size

Get number of padded bytes contained in this fixed_key object. Padded bytes are the remaining bytes inside the fixed_key object after all the words are allocated

constructor to fixed_key object

Constructor to fixed_key object from std::array of num_words() words


  • arr data

Constructor to fixed_key object from std::array of num_words() words


  • arr - Source data

Constructor to fixed_key object from fixed-sized C array of Word types smaller in size than word_t

Constructor to fixed_key object from fixed-sized C array of Word types smaller in size than word_t


  • arr - Source data

Create a new fixed_key object from a sequence of words

Template parameters:

  • FirstWord - The type of the first word in the sequence
  • Rest - The type of the remaining words in the sequence


  • first_word - The first word in the sequence
  • rest - The remaining words in the sequence

Get the contained std::array

Get the underlying data of the contained std::array

Get the underlying data of the contained std::array

Get the size of the contained std::array

Extract the contained data as an array of bytes


  • the extracted data as array of bytes

function operator==

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator==(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 == c2, return true, otherwise false

function operator!=

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator!=(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 != c2, return true, otherwise false

function operator>

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator>(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 > c2, return true, otherwise false

function operator<

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator<(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 < c2, return true, otherwise false

function operator>=

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator>=(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2 Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 >= c2, return true, otherwise false

function operator<=

template<size_t Size>
bool eosio::operator<=(
    const fixed_key< Size > & c1,
    const fixed_key< Size > & c2

Compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2 Lexicographically compares two fixed_key variables c1 and c2



if c1 <= c2, return true, otherwise false