Set Up Development Environment

Prepare Your Development Environment

In EOSIO, a local development environment is a local machine that satisfies the system requirements where you install the EOSIO software with the related dependencies. Therefore, you can run a local blockchain instance and deploy smart contracts. The local blockchain instance run nodeos.

Before you begin, check your System Requirements.

The following list provides instructions to prepare your local development environment to build and deploy smart contracts:

  1. Install EOSIO Binaries: Steps to install EOSIO pre-built binaries
  2. Install the CDT: Steps to install EOSIO Contracts Development Kit (CDT) which will act as a compiler
  3. Create Development Wallet: Steps to create development wallet to store key pairs
  4. Start Keosd and Nodeos: Steps to start Keosd and Nodeos
  5. Create Development Accounts: Steps to create you first EOSIO blockchain accounts for smart contracts