

cleos wallet import [OPTIONS]


Note: The arguments and options enclosed in square brackets are optional.


Imports a private key into a local wallet. This command will launch keosd if it is not already running.

Command Usage

The following information shows the different positionals and options you can use with the cleos wallet import command:


  • none


  • -h,--help - Print this help message and exit
  • -n,--name TEXT - The name of the wallet to import key into
  • --private-key TEXT - Private key in WIF format to import


  • Install the currently supported version of cleos. [[info | Note]] | Cleos is bundled with the EOSIO software. Installing EOSIO will also install the cleos and keosd comand line tools.
  • For additional prerequisites to run this command, see the Before you Begin section of the How to Import a Key topic.


The following examples demonstrate the cleos wallet import command:

Example 1. Import a private key to the default wallet:

cleos wallet import

The command asks for the private key. Enter it.


Example Output

imported private key for: EOS5zG7PsdtzQ9achTdRtXwHieL7yyigBFiJDRAQonqBsfKyL3XhC

Example 2. Import a private key to a named wallet and pass the private key on the command line:

cleos wallet import --name my_wallet --private-key 5KDNWQvY2seBPVUz7MiiaEDGTwACfuXu78bwZu7w2UDM9A3u3Fs

Where: --name my_wallet = Tells the cleos wallet import command to import the key to my_wallet --private-key 5KDNWQvY2seBPVUz7MiiaEDGTwACfuXu78bwZu7w2UDM9A3u3Fs = Tells the cleos wallet import command the private key to import

Example Output

imported private key for: EOS5zG7PsdtzQ9achTdRtXwHieL7yyigBFiJDRAQonqBsfKyL3XhC