How To Link Permission


This guide provides instructions to link a permission to a smart contract action.

The example uses cleos to link a custom permission customp in the account alice to a hi action deployed to the scontract account so that the alice account's active permission and customp permission are authorized to call the hi _action.

Before you Begin

Make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Install the currently supported version of cleos.


    Cleos is bundled with the EOSIO software. Installing EOSIO will also install the cleos and keosd comand line tools.

  • You have an EOSIO account and access to the account's active private key.
  • You have created a custom permission. See cleos set account permission.

Command Reference

See the following reference guides for command line usage and related options:

The following step shows you how to link a permission:

  1. Run the following command to link alices account permission customp with the hi action deployed to the scontract account:
cleos set action permission alice scontract hi customp -p alice@active


  • alice = The name of the account containing the permission to link.
  • scontract= The name of the account which owns the smart contract.
  • hi = The name of the action to link to a permission.
  • customp = The permission used to authorize the transaction.
  • -p alice@active = The permission used to authorize linking the customp permission.

Example Output

executed transaction: 4eb4cf3aea232d46e0e949bc273c3f0575be5bdba7b61851ab51d927cf74a838  128 bytes  141 us
#         eosio <= eosio::linkauth              {"account":"alice","code":"scontract","type":"hi","requirement":"customp"}


In conclusion, by following these instructions you are able to link a permission to a smart contract action.