Push Action


Push a transaction with a single action


contract Type: Text - The account providing the contract to execute

action Type: Text - The action to execute on the contract

data Type: Text - The arguments to the contract


-h,--help - Print this help message and exit

-x,--expiration - set the time in seconds before a transaction expires, defaults to 30s

-f,--force-unique - force the transaction to be unique. this will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times

-s,--skip-sign - Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction

-j,--json - print result as json

-d,--dont-broadcast - don't broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout)

-p,--permission Type: Text - An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission'

--max-cpu-usage-ms UINT - set an upper limit on the milliseconds of cpu usage budget, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit)

--max-net-usage UINT - set an upper limit on the net usage budget, in bytes, for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit)

--delay-sec UINT - set the delay_sec seconds, defaults to 0s


For actions that return a value cleos has a line which is prefixed with =>.

Let's consider for exemplification the three actions defined below. The first two are rstring and ruint, which return the value passed as input parameter to them, and the third one is rtmp returning a default tmp object.

struct tmp {
    uint32_t id = 1;
    std::vector<uint8_t> list{ 1, 2 };

std::string rstring(const std::string & str) { return str;   }

uint16_t    ruint(uint16_t i)                { return i;     }

tmp         rtmp()                           { return tmp{}; }

The cleos commands and their respective outputs are.

> cleos push action eosio rstring '{"str":null}'  -p eosio@active

executed transaction: 1e72a3ef1fa01a9c90b870fe86bf31413c6a2f40a2722ca72d9dd707f58851af  96 bytes  116 us
#         eosio <= eosio::rstring               {"str":""}
=>                                return value: ""

> cleos push action eosio rstring '{"str":"test"}'  -p eosio@active

executed transaction: 2484ba021683bb3c6daaabe291ba291e2689d1be899a293d0a09cc68cf0967fb  96 bytes  116 us
#         eosio <= eosio::rstring               {"str":"test"}
=>                                return value: "test"

> cleos push action eosio ruint '{"i":42}'  -p eosio@active

executed transaction: 12c51fd27fad9bb0fa959037a72093ad0b168f5846e916a0e9a295c8416bdf9f  96 bytes  138 us
#         eosio <= eosio::ruint                 {"i":42}
=>                                return value: 42

The rtmp action output, returning a default tmp object, looks like this:

> cleos push action eosio rtmp '{}'  -p eosio@active

executed transaction: 42386687d94695d77d67cf901cf8d1a4f83ac9f89382f0b01f3fb51267cc21cd  96 bytes  110 us
#         eosio <= eosio::rtmp                  ""
=>                                return value: {"id":1,"list":[1,2]}

When it is not possible to decode the return value, for example when ABI doesn’t contain information about an action return value, output will look like this:

=>                          return value (hex): 1400000001000770656e64696e6700000000

If the length of the return value string is more than 100 chars the string will be truncated to the first 100 chars and three dots ... will be added at the end. It's similar to what cleos does to action parameters output.

> cleos push action eosio rstring '{"str":"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"}'  -p eosio@active
executed transaction: 9fb35c72dbccadb4ff7b72a3a046543fbe2ae36eea70265f2b8356e8192c3f0e  248 bytes  176 us
#         eosio <= eosio::rstring               {"str":"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq...
=>                                return value: "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq...