How-To Find in Key-Value Map


This how-to provides instructions to find an object in Key-Value Map (kv map) based on the unique key.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An EOSIO development environment, for details consult the Get Started Guide
  • A smart contract named smrtcontract
  • A user defined type, struct or class, which defines the data stored in the map, named person
  • A kv map object, name my_map, which stores objects of type person, with unique keys of type int.

Refer to the following reference implementation for your starting point:

smartcontract.hpp file

struct person {
  eosio::name account_name;
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name;

class [[eosio::contract]] smartcontract : public eosio::contract {

   using my_map_t = eosio::kv::map<"kvmap"_n, int, person>;

      using contract::contract;
      smartcontract(eosio::name receiver, eosio::name code, eosio::datastream<const char*> ds)
         : contract(receiver, code, ds) {}

      my_map_t my_map{};


Complete the following steps to find a person object with a given ID:

  1. Create a new action in your contract, named delete, which takes as input parameters the person ID.
  2. Use the find() function defined for the kv::map type, with the give ID as parameter, to find the person with the given ID as unique key.

Refer to the following reference implementation to find person object with a given ID as unique key:

smartcontract.hpp file

struct person {
  eosio::name account_name;
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name;

class [[eosio::contract]] smartcontract : public eosio::contract {

   using my_map_t = eosio::kv::map<"kvmap"_n, int, person>;

      using contract::contract;
      smartcontract(eosio::name receiver, eosio::name code, eosio::datastream<const char*> ds)
         : contract(receiver, code, ds) {}

      // finds a person based on unique id
      void find(int id);

      my_map_t my_map{};

smartcontract.cpp file

// finds a person based on unique id
void kv_map::find(int id) {

   auto itr = my_map.find(id);

   // check if person was found
   if (itr != my_map.end()) {
      // extract person from iterator and delete it
      const auto person_found = itr->second();

      eosio::print_f("Person with unique ID=% was found: %, %, %.",
         id, person_found.first_name, person_found.last_name, person_found.personal_id);
   else {
      eosio::print_f("Person with ID % not found.", id);


In conclusion, the above instructions show how to find an object in Key-Value Map (kv map) based on the unique key.

Next Steps