How-To Query Range in Key-Value Table


This how-to provides instructions to retrieve a list of values, from a Key-Value Table (kv table) index, which share a particular commonality.

Alpha version

Key-Value Table is designated as alpha and should not be used in production code.

Use the method range defined by the eosio::kv::table::index class to accomplish this task.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An EOSIO development environment, for details consult the Get Started Guide
  • A smart contract named smrtcontract
  • A user defined type, struct or class, which defines the data stored in the map, named person
  • A kv table data type, struct or class, which inherits eosio::kv::table, and stores objects of type person, named address_table
  • Each person object has the following data members:

    • account_name,
    • first_name,
    • last_name,
    • personal_id.
  • A unique index, named account_name_uidx, defined on the account_name data member
  • A non-unique index defined on the last_name data member, named last_name_idx

Refer to the following reference implementation for your starting point:

smartcontract.hpp file

struct person {
  eosio::name account_name;
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name;
  std::string personal_id;

class [[eosio::contract]] smrtcontract : public contract {
    struct [[eosio::table]] address_table : eosio::kv::table<person, "kvaddrbook"_n> {

     index<name> account_name_uidx {
        &person::account_name };

     index<std::tuple<name, string>> last_name_idx {

     address_table(name contract_name) {
        init(contract_name, account_name_uidx)
     using contract::contract;


Complete the following steps to implement an action to retrieve a list of persons with the same name from address_table and return it back to the caller:

  1. Create a new action getbylastname, which takes as an input parameter a string which represents the last name to filter by the persons in the address_table.
  2. Use the range() function of the last_name_idx index and pass as parameters the beginning and the end of the range to retrieve:

    1. The first parameter is a person object with its account name equal to the minimum possible value for an account name and its last name the same value to filter by the persons in the address_table.
    2. The second parameter is a person object with its account name equal to the maximum possible value for an account name and its last name the same value to filter by the persons in the address_table.
  3. Return back to the caller the list of persons the range() function returns.

Refer to the following reference implementation to implement an action to retrieve a list of persons with the same name from address_table and return it back to the caller:


class [[eosio::contract]] smrtcontract : public contract {
    struct [[eosio::table]] address_table : eosio::kv::table<person, "kvaddrbook"_n> {

     index<name> account_name_uidx {
        &person::account_name };

     index<std::tuple<name, string>> last_name_idx {

     address_table(name contract_name) {
        init(contract_name, account_name_uidx)
     using contract::contract;

     // retrieves list of persons with the same last name
     std::vector<person> getbylastname(string last_name);
     using get_by_last_name_action = action_wrapper<"getbylastname"_n, &smrtcontract::getbylastname>;

smartcontract.cpp file

// retrieves list of persons with the same last name
std::vector<person> smrtcontract::getbylastname(string last_name) {
  address_table addresses{"kvaddrbook"_n};

  eosio::name min_account_name{0};
  eosio::name max_account_name{UINT_MAX};
  auto list_of_persons = addresses.last_name_idx.range(
     {min_account_name, last_name},
     {max_account_name, last_name});
  // return found list of person from action
  return list_of_persons;


In conclusion, the above instructions show how to retrieve a list of values, from a Key-Value Table (kv table) index, which share a particular commonality.

Next Steps

  • Access the list of objects returned by the getbylastname action.