struct eosio::onerror

Class List > eosio :: onerror

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint128_t sender_id
std::vector< char > sent_trx

Public Static Functions

Type Name
static onerror from_current_action ()

Public Functions

Type Name
transaction unpack_sent_trx () const

Detailed Description

Struct onerror contains and sender id and packed transaction

Public Attributes Documentation

variable sender_id

uint128_t eosio::onerror::sender_id;

variable sent_trx

std::vector<char> eosio::onerror::sent_trx;

Public Static Functions Documentation

function from_current_action

static static onerror eosio::onerror::from_current_action()

from_current_action unpacks and returns a onerror struct

Public Functions Documentation

function unpack_sent_trx

transaction eosio::onerror::unpack_sent_trx() const

Unpacks and returns a transaction

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: libraries/eosiolib/contracts/eosio/transaction.hpp