class eosio::transaction

Class List > eosio :: transaction

Contains the actions, context_free_actions and extensions type for a transaction. More...

Inherits the following classes: eosio::transaction_header

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::vector< action > context_free_actions
std::vector< action > actions
extensions_type transaction_extensions

Public Functions

Type Name
transaction (time_point_sec exp = time_point_sec(now()+60))
Construct a new transaction object initialising the transaction header expiration to now + 60 seconds.
void send (const uint128_t & sender_id, name payer, bool replace_existing = false) const
Writes the symbol_code as a string to the provided char buffer.


Type Name
friend DataStream & operator<<
friend DataStream & operator>>

Detailed Description

Class transaction contains the actions, context_free_actions and extensions type for a transaction

Public Attributes Documentation

variable context_free_actions

std::vector<action> eosio::transaction::context_free_actions;

variable actions

std::vector<action> eosio::transaction::actions;

variable transaction_extensions

extensions_type eosio::transaction::transaction_extensions;

Public Functions Documentation

function transaction

    time_point_sec exp = time_point_sec(now()+60)

Construct a new transaction object initialising the transaction header expiration to now + 60 seconds.

Construct a new transaction with an expiration of now + 60 seconds.

function send

void eosio::transaction::send(
    const uint128_t & sender_id,
    name payer,
    bool replace_existing = false
) const

Writes the symbol_code as a string to the provided char buffer.

Sends this transaction, packs the transaction then sends it as a deferred transaction


  • sender_id - ID of sender
  • payer - Account paying for RAM
  • replace_existing - Defaults to false, if this is 0/false then if the provided sender_id is already in use by an in-flight transaction from this contract, which will be a failing assert. If 1 then transaction will atomically cancel/replace the inflight transaction

Friends Documentation

friend operator<<

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const transaction & t

friend operator>>

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    transaction & t

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: libraries/eosiolib/transaction.hpp