C++ API for writing ESIO Smart Contracts.
- Binary Extension
- Chain API Defines API for calculating and checking hashes.
- Multi Index Table Defines EOSIO Multi Index Table.
- Console C++ API Defines C++ wrapper to log/print text messages.
- Singleton Table Defines EOSIO Singleton Table used with multiindex.
- Transaction C++ API Type-safe C++ wrappers for transaction C API.
- Action C++ API Defines type-safe C++ wrapers for querying action and sending action.
- Asset CPP API
- Data Stream
- Dispatcher C++ API Defines C++ functions to dispatch action to proper action handler inside a contract.
- Privileged C++ API
- Serialize C++ API Defines C++ API to serialize and deserialize object.
- Symbol CPP API Defines CPP API for managing symbols.
- System C++ API Defines wrappers over eosio_assert.
- Time