struct eosio::multi_index::index::const_iterator

Class List > eosio :: multi_index :: index :: const_iterator

Inherits the following classes: std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const T >


Type Name
friend struct index
friend bool operator==
friend bool operator!=

Public Functions

Type Name
const T & operator* () const
const T * operator-> () const
const_iterator operator++ (int)
const_iterator operator-- (int)
const_iterator & operator++ ()
const_iterator & operator-- ()
const_iterator ()

Friends Documentation

friend index

friend struct index;

friend operator==

bool operator==(
    const const_iterator & a,
    const const_iterator & b

friend operator!=

bool operator!=(
    const const_iterator & a,
    const const_iterator & b

Public Functions Documentation

function operator*

const T& eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator*() const

function operator->

const T* eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator->() const

function operator++ (1/2)

const_iterator eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator++(

function operator-- (1/2)

const_iterator eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator--(

function operator++ (2/2)

const_iterator& eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator++()

function operator-- (2/2)

const_iterator& eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::operator--()

function const_iterator (1/2)

eosio::multi_index< TableName, T, Indices >::index< IndexName, Extractor, Number, IsConst >::const_iterator::const_iterator()

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: libraries/eosiolib/multi\_index.hpp