
Defines type-safe C++ wrappers for querying action and sending action. More...


Type Name
struct eosio::permission_level
struct eosio::action


Detailed Description


There are some methods from the Action that can be used directly from C++

Functions Documentation

function unpack_action_data

template<typename T>
T eosio::unpack_action_data()


Unpacked action data casted as T.


struct dummy_action {
  char a; //1
  unsigned long long b; //8
  int  c; //4

  EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( dummy_action, (a)(b)(c) )
dummy_action msg = unpack_action_data<dummy_action>();

function require_recipient

void eosio::require_recipient(
    name notify_account

Add the specified account to set of accounts to be notified.

Add the specified account to set of accounts to be notified


  • notify_account - name of the account to be verified

function require_recipient

template<typename... accounts>
void eosio::require_recipient(
    name notify_account,
    accounts... remaining_accounts

All of the listed accounts will be added to the set of accounts to be notified This helper method enables you to add multiple accounts to accounts to be notified list with a single call rather than having to call the similar C API multiple times.


  • notify_account account to be notified
  • remaining_accounts accounts to be notified


action.code is also considered as part of the set of notified accounts


require_recipient("Account1"_n, "Account2"_n, "Account3"_n); // throws exception if any of them not in set.

function require_auth

void eosio::require_auth(
    name n

Verifies that Name exists in the set of provided auths on a action. Fails if not found.


  • name - name of the account to be verified

function publication_time

time_point eosio::publication_time()

Returns the time in microseconds from 1970 of the publication_time


the time in microseconds from 1970 of the publication_time

function read_action_data

uint32_t eosio::read_action_data(
    void * msg,
    uint32_t len

Copy up to length bytes of current action data to the specified location


  • msg - a pointer where up to length bytes of the current action data will be copied
  • len - len of the current action data to be copied, 0 to report required size


the number of bytes copied to msg, or number of bytes that can be copied if len==0 passed


msg is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least len bytes long


msg is filled with packed action data

function require_auth

void eosio::require_auth(
    const permission_level & level

Require the specified authorization for this action. If this action doesn't contain the specified auth, it will fail.


  • level - Authorization to be required

function has_auth

bool eosio::has_auth(
    name n

Verifies that n has auth.


  • n - name of the account to be verified

function is_account

bool eosio::is_account(
    name n

Verifies that n is an existing account.


  • n - name of the account to check