How to iterate and retrieve a multi index table


For exemplification define the multi index contract definition like below:


#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

// multi index example contract class
class [[eosio::contract]] multi_index_example : public contract {
      using contract::contract;

      // contract class constructor
      multi_index_example( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
         // contract base class contructor
         contract(receiver, code, ds),
         // instantiate multi index instance as data member (find it defined below)
         testtab(receiver, receiver.value)
         { }

      // the row structure of the multi index table, that is, each row of the table
      // will contain an instance of this type of structure
      struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
        // this field stores a name for each row of the multi index table
        name test_primary;
        // additional data stored in table row
        uint64_t datum;
        // mandatory definition for primary key getter
        uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }

      // the multi index type definition, for ease of use define a type alias `test_tables`, 
      // based on the multi_index template type, parametarized with a random name and 
      // the test_table data structure
      typedef eosio::multi_index<"testtaba"_n, test_table> test_tables;

      // the multi index table instance declared as a data member of type test_tables
      test_tables testtab;

      [[eosio::action]] void set( name user );

      using set_action = action_wrapper<"set"_n, &multi_index_example::set>;

The steps below show how to iterate and retrieve a multi index table.

  1. Add to the above multi index example contract an action print which gets as parameter an acount name
[[eosio::action]] void print( name user );
  1. For ease of use add the action wrapper defition as well
[[eosio::action]] void print( name user );

+using print_action = action_wrapper<"print"_n, &multi_index_example::print>;
  1. Implement the action code, by searching for the user name in the multi index table using the primary index. If found, print out the value stored in that row for field datum. Otherwise asserts with a custom message. In the contract definition add the following implementation for print action:
  [[eosio::action]] void multi_index_example::print( name user ) {
    // searches for the row that corresponds to the user parameter
    auto itr = testtab.find(user.value);
    // asserts if the row was found for user parameter, if fails use the given message
    check( itr != testtab.end(), "user does not exist in table" );

    // prints the test_primary and datum fields stored for user parameter
    eosio::print_f("Test Table : {%, %}\n", itr->test_primary, itr->datum);
  1. Finally the whole definition and implementation files for the contract should look like this:


#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

// multi index example contract class
class [[eosio::contract]] multi_index_example : public contract {
      using contract::contract;

      // contract class constructor
      multi_index_example( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
         // contract base class contructor
         contract(receiver, code, ds),
         // instantiate multi index instance as data member (find it defined below)
         testtab(receiver, receiver.value)
         { }

      // the row structure of the multi index table, that is, each row of the table
      // will contain an instance of this type of structure
      struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
        // this field stores a name for each row of the multi index table
        name test_primary;
        // additional data stored in table row
        uint64_t datum;
        // mandatory definition for primary key getter
        uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }

      // the multi index type definition, for ease of use define a type alias `test_tables`, 
      // based on the multi_index template type, parametarized with a random name and 
      // the test_table data structure
      typedef eosio::multi_index<"testtaba"_n, test_table> test_tables;

      // the multi index table instance declared as a data member of type test_tables
      test_tables testtab;

      [[eosio::action]] void set( name user );
      [[eosio::action]] void print( name user );

      using set_action = action_wrapper<"set"_n, &multi_index_example::set>;
      using print_action = action_wrapper<"print"_n, &multi_index_example::print>;


#include <multi_index_example.hpp>

[[eosio::action]] void multi_index_example::set( name user ) {
  // check if the user already exists
  auto itr = testtab.find(user.value);

  if ( itr == testtab.end() ) {
    // user is not found in table, use emplace to insert a new row data structure in table
    testtab.emplace( _self, [&]( auto& u ) {
      u.test_primary = user;
      u.secondary = "second"_n;
      u.datum = 0;

[[eosio::action]] void multi_index_example::print( name user ) {
  // searches for the row that corresponds to the user parameter
  auto itr = testtab.find(user.value);
  // asserts if the row was found for user parameter, if fails use the given message
  check( itr != testtab.end(), "user does not exist in table" );

  // prints the test_primary and datum fields stored for user parameter
  eosio::print_f("Test Table : {%, %}\n", itr->test_primary, itr->datum);
Full example location

A full example project demonstrating the instantiation and usage of multi index table can be found here.