EOSIO/eosjs Npm EOSIO/eos Docker Hub
tag: 15.0.6 npm install eosjs tag: v1.0.5 - v1.0.10 eosio/eos:v1.0.10

Release notes:

  • Converted some types in format module from unsigned to signed: UDecimalPad -> DecimalPad for example (15.0.1)
  • All asset and extended_asset amounts require exact decimal places (Change 1 SYS to 1.0000 SYS) (15.0.0)
  • Use config.verbose instead of config.debug (14.1.0)
EOSIO/eosjs Npm EOSIO/eos Docker Hub
tag: 14.x.x npm install eosjs (version 14) tag: v1.0.3 eosio/eos:v1.0.3
tag: 13.x.x npm install eosjs (version 13) tag: dawn-v4.2.0 eosio/eos:20180526
tag: 12.x.x npm install eosjs (version 12) tag: dawn-v4.1.0 eosio/eos:20180519
tag: 11.x.x npm install eosjs@dawn4 (version 11) tag: dawn-v4.0.0 eosio/eos:dawn-v4.0.0
tag: 9.x.x npm install eosjs@dawn3 (version 9) tag: DAWN-2018-04-23-ALPHA eosio/eos:DAWN-2018-04-23-ALPHA
tag: 8.x.x npm install eosjs@8 (version 8) tag: dawn-v3.0.0 eosio/eos:dawn3x
branch: dawn2 npm install eosjs branch: dawn-2.x eosio/eos:dawn2x