Install the EOSIO.CDT

The EOSIO Contract Development Toolkit, CDT for short, is a collection of tools related to contract compilation. Subsequent tutorials use the CDT primarily for compiling contracts and generating ABIs.

Starting from 1.3.x, CDT supports Mac OS X brew, Linux Debian and RPM packages. The easiest option to install would be using one of these package systems. Pick one installation method only.

If you have versions of eosio.cdt prior to 1.3.0 installed on your system, please uninstall before proceeding

Mac OS X


brew tap eosio/eosio.cdt
brew install eosio.cdt


brew remove eosio.cdt

Ubuntu (Debian)



sudo apt install ./eosio.cdt_1.7.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb


sudo apt remove eosio.cdt

CentOS/Redhat (RPM)



sudo yum install ./eosio.cdt-1.7.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm


$ sudo yum remove eosio.cdt

Install from Source

The location where eosio.cdt is cloned is not that important because you will be installing eosio.cdt as a local binary in later steps. For now, you can clone eosio.cdt to your "contracts" directory previously created, or really anywhere else on your local system you see fit.



Clone version 1.6.3 of the eosio.cdt repository.

git clone --recursive --branch v1.6.3 --single-branch
cd eosio.cdt

It may take up to 30 minutes to clone the repository

Virtual machine environment

In case you are using a virtual machine. It should be configured with at least 2 CPUs (does not have to be two physical ones) and 8G of memory to avoid compilation errors




sudo ./

The above command needs to be ran with sudo because eosio.cdt's various binaries will be installed locally. You will be asked for your computer's account password.

Installing eosio.cdt will make the compiled binary global so it can be accessable anywhere. For this tutorial, it is strongly suggested that you do not skip the install step for eosio.cdt, failing to install will make it more difficult to follow this and other tutorials, and make usage in general more difficult.


Getting Errors during build

  • Search your errors for the string "/usr/local/include/eosiolib/"
  • If found, rm -fr /usr/local/include/eosiolib/ or navigate to /usr/local/include/ and delete eosiolib using your operating system's file browser.

What's Next

Create Development Wallet: Steps to create a new development wallet to store public-private key pair.