Header file database.hpp

namespace eosio
    //=== Increment Key ===//
    bool increment_key(uint8_t& key);
    bool increment_key(uint16_t& key);
    bool increment_key(uint32_t& key);
    bool increment_key(uint64_t& key);
    bool increment_key(uint128_t& key);
    bool increment_key(int& key);
    bool increment_key(eosio::checksum256& key);
    bool increment_key(query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_action_trace_receipt_receiver::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_transaction_receipt::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code::key& key);
    bool increment_key(query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk::key& key);

    //=== Tables ===//
    enum class transaction_status
    : uint8_t;

    //=== to_json_explicit ===//
    int to_json(eosio::transaction_status value);

    struct block_info;

    std::string_view schema_type_name(eosio::block_info*);

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::block_info*, F f);

    struct receipt;

    std::string_view schema_type_name(eosio::receipt*);

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::receipt*, F f);

    struct action;

    std::string_view schema_type_name(eosio::action*);

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::action*, F f);

    struct action_trace;

    std::string_view schema_type_name(eosio::action_trace*);

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::action_trace*, F f);

    struct account;

    std::string_view schema_type_name(eosio::account*);

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::account*, F f);

    struct code_key;

    struct account_metadata_joined;

    struct metadata_code_joined;

    struct contract_row;

    template <typename T>
    struct contract_secondary_index_with_row;

    //=== Queries ===//
    struct query_block_info_range_index;

    struct query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action;

    struct query_action_trace_receipt_receiver;

    struct query_transaction_receipt;

    struct query_account_range_name;

    struct query_acctmeta_range_name;

    struct query_code_range_name;

    struct query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope;

    struct query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk;

    struct query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code;

    struct query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk;

    //=== Database Status ===//
    struct database_status;

    template <typename F>
    void for_each_member(eosio::database_status*, F f);

    eosio::database_status get_database_status();

    //=== Query Database ===//
    template <typename T>
    int query_database();

    template <typename T, typename F>
    bool for_each_query_result(int const& bytes, F f);

    template <typename T, typename F>
    bool for_each_contract_row(int const& bytes, F f);

Increment Key

(1) bool increment_key(uint8_t& key);

(2) bool increment_key(uint16_t& key);

(3) bool increment_key(uint32_t& key);

(4) bool increment_key(uint64_t& key);

(5) bool increment_key(uint128_t& key);

(6) bool increment_key(int& key);

(7) bool increment_key(eosio::checksum256& key);

(8) bool increment_key(query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action::key& key);

(9) bool increment_key(query_action_trace_receipt_receiver::key& key);

(10) bool increment_key(query_transaction_receipt::key& key);

(11) bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope::key& key);

(12) bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk::key& key);

(13) bool increment_key(query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code::key& key);

(14) bool increment_key(query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk::key& key);

Increment a database key. Return true if the result wrapped.

Enumeration eosio::transaction_status

enum class transaction_status
: uint8_t
    executed = 0,
    soft_fail = 1,
    hard_fail = 2,
    delayed = 3,
    expired = 4

Transaction status

  • executed - succeed, no error handler executed
  • soft_fail - objectively failed (not executed), error handler executed
  • hard_fail - objectively failed and error handler objectively failed thus no state change
  • delayed - transaction delayed/deferred/scheduled for future execution
  • expired - transaction expired and storage space refunded to user

Function eosio::to_json

(1) int to_json(eosio::transaction_status value);

Struct eosio::block_info

struct block_info
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    eosio::checksum256 block_id = {};

    int timestamp = block_timestamp{};

    int producer = {};

    uint16_t confirmed = {};

    eosio::checksum256 previous = {};

    eosio::checksum256 transaction_mroot = {};

    eosio::checksum256 action_mroot = {};

    uint32_t schedule_version = {};

    uint32_t new_producers_version = {};

Information extracted from a block

Struct eosio::receipt

struct receipt
    int receiver = {};

    eosio::checksum256 act_digest = {};

    uint64_t global_sequence = {};

    uint64_t recv_sequence = {};

    eosio::unsigned_int code_sequence = {};

    eosio::unsigned_int abi_sequence = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::receipt, int receiver(int)(int)(int)(int)(int));

Details about action execution

Struct eosio::action

struct action
    int account = {};

    int name = {};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> data = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::action, int account(int)(int));

Details about action execution

Struct eosio::action_trace

struct action_trace
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    eosio::checksum256 transaction_id = {};

    eosio::transaction_status transaction_status = {};

    eosio::unsigned_int action_ordinal = {};

    eosio::unsigned_int creator_action_ordinal = {};

    std::optional<receipt> receipt = {};

    int receiver = {};

    action action = {};

    bool context_free = {};

    int64_t elapsed = {};

    std::string console = {};

    std::string except = {};

    uint64_t error_code = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::action_trace, int block_num(int)(enum transaction_status)(int)(int)(receipt)(int)(action)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int));

Details about action execution

Struct eosio::account

struct account
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    bool present = {};

    int name = {};

    int creation_date = block_timestamp_type{};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> abi = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::account, int block_num(int)(int)(int)(int));

Details about an account

Struct eosio::code_key

struct code_key
    uint8_t vm_type = {};

    uint8_t vm_version = {};

    eosio::checksum256 hash = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::code_key, int vm_type(int)(int));

Key for looking up code

Struct eosio::account_metadata_joined

struct account_metadata_joined
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    bool present = {};

    int name = {};

    bool privileged = {};

    int last_code_update = time_point{};

    std::optional<code_key> code = {};

    uint32_t account_block_num = {};

    bool account_present = {};

    int account_creation_date = block_timestamp_type{};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> account_abi = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::account_metadata_joined, int block_num(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int));

account and account_metadata joined

Struct eosio::metadata_code_joined

struct metadata_code_joined
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    bool present = {};

    int name = {};

    bool privileged = {};

    int last_code_update = time_point{};

    std::optional<code_key> code = {};

    uint32_t join_block_num = {};

    bool join_present = {};

    uint8_t join_vm_type = {};

    uint8_t join_vm_version = {};

    eosio::checksum256 join_code_hash = {};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> join_code = {};

    int EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(eosio::metadata_code_joined, int block_num(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int)(int));

account_metadata and code joined

Struct eosio::contract_row

struct contract_row
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    bool present = {};

    int code = {};

    int scope = {};

    int table = {};

    uint64_t primary_key = {};

    int payer = {};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> value = {};

A row in a contract’s table

Struct eosio::contract_secondary_index_with_row

template <typename T>
struct contract_secondary_index_with_row
    uint32_t block_num = {};

    bool present = {};

    int code = {};

    int scope = {};

    int table = {};

    uint64_t primary_key = {};

    int payer = {};

    T secondary_key = {};

    uint32_t row_block_num = {};

    bool row_present = {};

    int row_payer = {};

    shared_memory<datastream<const char *>> row_value = {};

A secondary index entry in a contract’s table. Also includes fields from contract_row.

Struct eosio::query_block_info_range_index

struct query_block_info_range_index
    int query_name = "block.info"_n;

    uint32_t first = {};

    uint32_t last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get block_info for a range of block indexes.

The query results are sorted by block_num. Every record has a different block_num.

Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • first - Query records with block_num in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with block_num in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action

struct query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action
    struct key;

    int query_name = "at.e.nra"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action::key first = {};

    eosio::query_action_trace_range_name_receiver_account_block_trans_action::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get action_trace for a range of keys.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a different key.

struct key {
    eosio::name     name             = {};
    eosio::name     receiver         = {};
    eosio::name     account          = {};
    uint32_t        block_num        = {};
    checksum256     transaction_id   = {};
    uint32_t        action_ordinal   = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const action_trace& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_action_trace_receipt_receiver

struct query_action_trace_receipt_receiver
    struct key;

    int query_name = "receipt.rcvr"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_action_trace_receipt_receiver::key first = {};

    eosio::query_action_trace_receipt_receiver::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get action_trace for a range of receipt_receiver names.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a unique key.

struct key {
    eosio::name     receipt_receiver = {};
    uint32_t        block_num        = {};
    checksum256     transaction_id   = {};
    uint32_t        action_ordinal   = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const action_trace& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_transaction_receipt

struct query_transaction_receipt
    struct key;

    int query_name = "transaction"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_transaction_receipt::key first = {};

    eosio::query_transaction_receipt::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get a transaction receipt for a transaction id.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a unique key.

struct key {
    checksum256 transaction_id = {};
    uint32_t block_num = {};
    uint32_t action_ordinal = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const action_trace& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_account_range_name

struct query_account_range_name
    int query_name = "account"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    int first = {};

    int last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get account for a range of names.

The query results are sorted by name. Every record has a different name.

Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_acctmeta_range_name

struct query_acctmeta_range_name
    int query_name = "acctmeta.jn"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    int first = {};

    int last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get account_metadata_joined for a range of names.

The query results are sorted by name. Every record has a different name.

Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_code_range_name

struct query_code_range_name
    int query_name = "meta.jn.code"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    int first = {};

    int last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get metadata_code_joined for a range of names.

The query results are sorted by name. Every record has a different name.

Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with name in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope

struct query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope
    struct key;

    int query_name = "cr.ctps"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope::key first = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_pk_scope::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get contract_row for a range of keys.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a different key.

struct key {
    name     code        = {};
    name     table       = {};
    uint64_t primary_key = {};
    name     scope       = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const contract_row& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk

struct query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk
    struct key;

    int query_name = "cr.ctsp"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk::key first = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_code_table_scope_pk::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get contract_row for a range of keys.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a different key.

struct key {
    name     code        = {};
    name     table       = {};
    name     scope       = {};
    uint64_t primary_key = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const contract_row& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code

struct query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code
    struct key;

    int query_name = "cr.stpc"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code::key first = {};

    eosio::query_contract_row_range_scope_table_pk_code::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get contract_row for a range of keys.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a different key.

struct key {
    name     scope       = {};
    name     table       = {};
    uint64_t primary_key = {};
    name     code        = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const contract_row& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk

struct query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk
    struct key;

    int query_name = "ci1.cts2p"_n;

    uint32_t snapshot_block = {};

    eosio::query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk::key first = {};

    eosio::query_contract_index64_range_code_table_scope_sk_pk::key last = {};

    uint32_t max_results = {};

Pass this to query_database to get contract_secondary_index_with_row&lt;uint64_t> for a range of keys.

The query results are sorted by key. Every record has a different key.

struct key {
    name     code          = {};
    name     table         = {};
    name     scope         = {};
    uint64_t secondary_key = {};
    uint64_t primary_key   = {};

    // Construct the key from `data`
    static key from_data(const contract_secondary_index_with_row<uint64_t>& data);
Member variables
  • query_name - Identifies query type. Do not modify this field.
  • snapshot_block - Look at this point of time in history
  • first - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • last - Query records with keys in the range [first, last].
  • max_results - Maximum results to return. The wasm-ql server may cap the number of results to a smaller number.

Struct eosio::database_status

struct database_status
    uint32_t head = {};

    eosio::checksum256 head_id = {};

    uint32_t irreversible = {};

    eosio::checksum256 irreversible_id = {};

    uint32_t first = {};

Status of the database. Returned by get_database_status.

Function eosio::get_database_status

eosio::database_status get_database_status();

Get the current database status

Function eosio::query_database

template <typename T>
int query_database();

Query the database. request must be one of the query_* structs. Returns result in serialized form.

The serialized form is the same as vector&lt;vector&lt;char>>’s serialized form. Each inner vector contains the serialized form of a record. The record type varies with query.

Use for_each_query_result or for_each_contract_row to iterate through the result.

Function eosio::for_each_query_result

template <typename T, typename F>
bool for_each_query_result(int const& bytes, F f);

Unpack each record of a query result and call f(record). T is the record type.

Function eosio::for_each_contract_row

template <typename T, typename F>
bool for_each_contract_row(int const& bytes, F f);

Use with query_contract_row_*. Unpack each row of a query result and call f(row, data). row is an instance of contract_row. data is the unpacked contract-specific data. T identifies the type of data.