namespace eosio

Class List > eosio


Type Name
struct action
struct action_wrapper
Used to wrap an a particular action to simplify the process of other contracts sending inline actions to "wrapped" action. Example:
struct asset
Stores information for owner of asset.
class binary_extension
class block_timestamp
struct blockchain_parameters
struct const_mem_fun
class contract
class datastream
class datastream< size_t >
struct extended_asset
Extended asset which stores the information of the owner of the asset.
class extended_symbol
Extended asset which stores the information of the owner of the symbol.
class fixed_bytes
struct ignore
struct ignore_wrapper
struct indexed_by
struct inline_dispatcher
struct inline_dispatcher< void(T::*)(Args...), Name >
class iostream
class microseconds
class multi_index
struct name
struct onerror
struct overloaded
struct permission_level
struct producer_key
struct producer_schedule
class rope
struct signed_int
class singleton
class symbol
Stores information about a symbol, the symbol can be 7 characters long.
class symbol_code
Stores the symbol code as a uint64_t value.
class time_point
class time_point_sec
class transaction
class transaction_header
Contains details about the transaction.
struct unsigned_int
struct variant_action_wrapper


Type Name
typedef std::tuple< uint16_t, std::vector< char > > extension
typedef std::vector< extension > extensions_type
typedef block_timestamp block_timestamp_type


Type Name
static constexpr static name same_payer
constexpr auto powers_of_base
static iostream cout


Type Name
T unpack_action_data ()
void require_recipient (name notify_account)
Add the specified account to set of accounts to be notified.
void require_recipient (name notify_account, accounts... remaining_accounts)
void require_auth (name n)
time_point publication_time ()
name current_receiver ()
uint32_t read_action_data (void * msg, uint32_t len)
uint32_t action_data_size ()
void require_auth (const permission_level & level)
bool has_auth (name n)
bool is_account (name n)
void dispatch_inline (name code, name act, std::vector< permission_level > perms, std::tuple< Args... > args)
bool dispatch (uint64_t code, uint64_t act)
bool execute_action (name self, name code, void(T::*)(Args...) func)
bool check_transaction_authorization (const char * trx_data, uint32_t trx_size, const char * pubkeys_data, uint32_t pubkeys_size, const char * perms_data, uint32_t perms_size)
bool check_permission_authorization (name account, name permission, const char * pubkeys_data, uint32_t pubkeys_size, const char * perms_data, uint32_t perms_size, microseconds delay)
bool check_transaction_authorization (const transaction & trx, const std::set< permission_level > & provided_permissions, const std::set< public_key > & provided_keys = std::set< public_key >())
bool check_permission_authorization (name account, name permission, const std::set< public_key > & provided_keys, const std::set< permission_level > & provided_permissions = std::set< permission_level >(), microseconds provided_delay = microseconds{std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max()})
time_point get_permission_last_used (name account, name permission)
time_point get_account_creation_time (name account)
void set_blockchain_parameters (const eosio::blockchain_parameters & params)
void get_blockchain_parameters (eosio::blockchain_parameters & params)
void get_resource_limits (name account, int64_t & ram_bytes, int64_t & net_weight, int64_t & cpu_weight)
void set_resource_limits (name account, int64_t ram_bytes, int64_t net_weight, int64_t cpu_weight)
std::optional< uint64_t > set_proposed_producers (const std::vector< producer_key > & prods)
bool is_privileged (name account)
void set_privileged (name account, bool is_priv)
std::vector< name > get_active_producers ()
void eosio_exit (int32_t code)
time_point current_time_point ()
block_timestamp current_block_time ()
void send_deferred (const uint128_t & sender_id, name payer, const char * serialized_transaction, size_t size, bool replace = false)
action get_action (uint32_t type, uint32_t index)
size_t read_transaction (char * ptr, size_t sz)
int cancel_deferred (const uint128_t & sender_id)
size_t transaction_size ()
int tapos_block_num ()
int tapos_block_prefix ()
uint32_t expiration ()
Gets the expiration of the currently executing transaction.
int get_context_free_data (uint32_t index, char * buff, size_t size)
char * write_decimal (char * begin, char * end, bool dry_run, uint64_t number, uint8_t num_decimal_places, bool negative)
void check (bool pred, const char * msg)
void check (bool pred, const std::string & msg)
void check (bool pred, std::string && msg)
void check (bool pred, const char * msg, size_t n)
void check (bool pred, const std::string & msg, size_t n)
void check (bool pred, uint64_t code)
datastream< Stream > & operator<< (datastream< Stream > & ds, const std::list< T > & l)
datastream< Stream > & operator>> (datastream< Stream > & ds, std::list< T > & l)
datastream< Stream > & operator<< (datastream< Stream > & ds, const std::deque< T > & d)
datastream< Stream > & operator>> (datastream< Stream > & ds, std::deque< T > & d)
datastream< Stream > & operator<< (datastream< Stream > & ds, const std::variant< Ts... > & var)
void deserialize (datastream< Stream > & ds, std::variant< Ts... > & var, int i)
datastream< Stream > & operator>> (datastream< Stream > & ds, std::variant< Ts... > & var)
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::pair< T1, T2 > & t)
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::pair< T1, T2 > & t)
datastream< Stream > & operator<< (datastream< Stream > & ds, const std::optional< T > & opt)
datastream< Stream > & operator>> (datastream< Stream > & ds, std::optional< T > & opt)
datastream< Stream > & operator<< (datastream< Stream > & ds, const bool & d)
datastream< Stream > & operator>> (datastream< Stream > & ds, bool & d)
Deserialize a bool.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::string & v)
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::string & v)
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::array< T, N > & v)
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::array< T, N > & v)
Deserialize a fixed size std::array.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, T)
Deserialize a a pointer.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const T(&) v)
Serialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, T(&) v)
Deserialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::vector< char > & v)
Serialize a vector of char.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::vector< T > & v)
Serialize a vector.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::vector< char > & v)
Deserialize a vector of char.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::vector< T > & v)
Deserialize a vector.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::set< T > & s)
Serialize a set.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::set< T > & s)
Deserialize a set.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::map< K, V > & m)
Serialize a map.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::map< K, V > & m)
Deserialize a map.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const std::tuple< Args... > & t)
Serialize a tuple.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, std::tuple< Args... > & t)
Deserialize a tuple.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const T & v)
Serialize a class.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, T & v)
Deserialize a class.
T unpack (const char * buffer, size_t len)
Unpack data inside a fixed size buffer as T.
T unpack (const std::vector< char > & bytes)
Unpack data inside a variable size buffer as T.
size_t pack_size (const T & value)
Get the size of the packed data.
std::vector< char > pack (const T & value)
Get packed data.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const ::eosio::ignore_wrapper< T > & val)
Serialize ignored_wrapper's T value.
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const ::eosio::ignore< T > & val)
Serialize an ignored type.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, ::eosio::ignore< T > &)
Deserialize an ignored type.
constexpr T pow (uint8_t exponent)
void printhex (const void * ptr, uint32_t size)
void printl (const char * ptr, size_t len)
void print (const char * ptr)
void print (T num)
void print (float num)
void print (double num)
void print (long double num)
void print (T && t)
void print_f (const char * s)
void print_f (const char * s, Arg val, Args... rest)
void print (Arg && a, Args &&... args)
overloaded (Ts...)
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const eosio::symbol_code sym_code)
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, eosio::symbol_code & sym_code)
DataStream & operator<< (DataStream & ds, const eosio::symbol sym)
Serialize a symbol.
DataStream & operator>> (DataStream & ds, eosio::symbol & sym)
Deserialize a symbol.
microseconds seconds (int64_t s)
microseconds milliseconds (int64_t s)
microseconds minutes (int64_t m)
microseconds hours (int64_t h)
microseconds days (int64_t d)

Typedefs Documentation

typedef extension

typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, std::vector<char> > eosio::extension;

typedef extensions_type

typedef std::vector<extension> eosio::extensions_type;

typedef block_timestamp_type

typedef block_timestamp eosio::block_timestamp_type;

Variables Documentation

variable same_payer

constexpr static name eosio::same_payer;

variable powers_of_base

constexpr auto eosio::powers_of_base;

variable cout

iostream eosio::cout;

Functions Documentation

function unpack_action_data

template<typename T>
T eosio::unpack_action_data()


Unpacked action data casted as T.


struct dummy_action {
  char a; //1
  unsigned long long b; //8
  int  c; //4

  EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( dummy_action, (a)(b)(c) )
dummy_action msg = unpack_action_data<dummy_action>();

function require_recipient (1/2)

void eosio::require_recipient(
    name notify_account

Add the specified account to set of accounts to be notified.

Add the specified account to set of accounts to be notified


  • notify_account - name of the account to be verified

function require_recipient (2/2)

template<typename... accounts>
void eosio::require_recipient(
    name notify_account,
    accounts... remaining_accounts

All of the listed accounts will be added to the set of accounts to be notified This helper method enables you to add multiple accounts to accounts to be notified list with a single call rather than having to call the similar C API multiple times.


  • notify_account account to be notified
  • remaining_accounts accounts to be notified


action.code is also considered as part of the set of notified accounts


require_recipient("Account1"_n, "Account2"_n, "Account3"_n); // throws exception if any of them not in set.

function require_auth (1/2)

void eosio::require_auth(
    name n

Verifies that Name exists in the set of provided auths on a action. Fails if not found.


  • name - name of the account to be verified

function publication_time

time_point eosio::publication_time()

Returns the time in microseconds from 1970 of the publication_time


the time in microseconds from 1970 of the publication_time

function current_receiver

name eosio::current_receiver()

Get the current receiver of the action


the account which specifies the current receiver of the action

function read_action_data

uint32_t eosio::read_action_data(
    void * msg,
    uint32_t len

Copy up to length bytes of current action data to the specified location


  • msg - a pointer where up to length bytes of the current action data will be copied
  • len - len of the current action data to be copied, 0 to report required size


the number of bytes copied to msg, or number of bytes that can be copied if len==0 passed


msg is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least len bytes long


msg is filled with packed action data

function action_data_size

uint32_t eosio::action_data_size()

Get the length of the current action's data field. This method is useful for dynamically sized actions


the length of the current action's data field

function require_auth (2/2)

void eosio::require_auth(
    const permission_level & level

Require the specified authorization for this action. If this action doesn't contain the specified auth, it will fail.


  • level - Authorization to be required

function has_auth

bool eosio::has_auth(
    name n

Verifies that n has auth.


  • n - name of the account to be verified

function is_account

bool eosio::is_account(
    name n

Verifies that n is an existing account.


  • n - name of the account to check

function dispatch_inline

template<typename... Args>
void eosio::dispatch_inline(
    name code,
    name act,
    std::vector< permission_level > perms,
    std::tuple< Args... > args

function dispatch

template<typename Contract, typename FirstAction, typename SecondAction, typename... Actions>
bool eosio::dispatch(
    uint64_t code,
    uint64_t act

This method will dynamically dispatch an incoming set of actions to

static Contract::on( ActionType )

For this to work the Actions must be derived from eosio::contract

function execute_action

template<typename T, typename... Args>
bool eosio::execute_action(
    name self,
    name code,
    void(T::*)(Args...) func

Unpack the received action and execute the correponding action handler

Template parameters:

  • T - The contract class that has the correponding action handler, this contract should be derived from eosio::contract
  • Q - The namespace of the action handler function
  • Args - The arguments that the action handler accepts, i.e. members of the action


  • obj - The contract object that has the correponding action handler
  • func - The action handler



function check_transaction_authorization

bool eosio::check_transaction_authorization(
    const char * trx_data,
    uint32_t trx_size,
    const char * pubkeys_data,
    uint32_t pubkeys_size,
    const char * perms_data,
    uint32_t perms_size

Checks if a transaction is authorized by a provided set of keys and permissions


  • trx_data - pointer to the start of the serialized transaction
  • trx_size - size (in bytes) of the serialized transaction
  • pubkeys_data - pointer to the start of the serialized vector of provided public keys
  • pubkeys_size - size (in bytes) of serialized vector of provided public keys (can be 0 if no public keys are to be provided)
  • perms_data - pointer to the start of the serialized vector of provided permissions (empty permission name acts as wildcard)
  • perms_size - size (in bytes) of the serialized vector of provided permissions


1 if the transaction is authorized, 0 otherwise

function check_permission_authorization

bool eosio::check_permission_authorization(
    name account,
    name permission,
    const char * pubkeys_data,
    uint32_t pubkeys_size,
    const char * perms_data,
    uint32_t perms_size,
    microseconds delay

Checks if a permission is authorized by a provided delay and a provided set of keys and permissions


  • account - the account owner of the permission
  • permission - the name of the permission to check for authorization
  • pubkeys_data - pointer to the start of the serialized vector of provided public keys
  • pubkeys_size - size (in bytes) of serialized vector of provided public keys (can be 0 if no public keys are to be provided)
  • perms_data - pointer to the start of the serialized vector of provided permissions (empty permission name acts as wildcard)
  • perms_size - size (in bytes) of the serialized vector of provided permissions
  • delay - the provided delay in microseconds (cannot exceed INT64_MAX)


1 if the permission is authorized, 0 otherwise

function check_transaction_authorization

bool eosio::check_transaction_authorization(
    const transaction & trx,
    const std::set< permission_level > & provided_permissions,
    const std::set< public_key > & provided_keys = std::set< public_key >()

Checks if a transaction is authorized by a provided set of keys and permissions


  • trx - the transaction for which to check authorizations
  • provided_permissions - the set of permissions which have authorized the transaction (empty permission name acts as wildcard)
  • provided_keys - the set of public keys which have authorized the transaction


whether the transaction was authorized by provided keys and permissions

function check_permission_authorization

bool eosio::check_permission_authorization(
    name account,
    name permission,
    const std::set< public_key > & provided_keys,
    const std::set< permission_level > & provided_permissions = std::set< permission_level >(),
    microseconds provided_delay = microseconds{std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max()}

Checks if a permission is authorized by a provided delay and a provided set of keys and permissions


  • account - the account owner of the permission
  • permission - the permission name to check for authorization
  • provided_keys - the set of public keys which have authorized the transaction
  • provided_permissions - the set of permissions which have authorized the transaction (empty permission name acts as wildcard)
  • provided_delay_us - the provided delay in microseconds (cannot exceed INT64_MAX)


whether the permission was authorized by provided delay, keys, and permissions

function get_permission_last_used

time_point eosio::get_permission_last_used(
    name account,
    name permission

Returns the last used time of a permission


  • account - the account owner of the permission
  • permission - the name of the permission


the last used time (in microseconds since Unix epoch) of the permission

function get_account_creation_time

time_point eosio::get_account_creation_time(
    name account

Returns the creation time of an account


  • account - the account


the creation time (in microseconds since Unix epoch) of the account

function set_blockchain_parameters

void eosio::set_blockchain_parameters(
    const eosio::blockchain_parameters & params

Set the blockchain parameters


  • params - New blockchain parameters to set

function get_blockchain_parameters

void eosio::get_blockchain_parameters(
    eosio::blockchain_parameters & params

Retrieve the blolckchain parameters


  • params - It will be replaced with the retrieved blockchain params

function get_resource_limits

void eosio::get_resource_limits(
    name account,
    int64_t & ram_bytes,
    int64_t & net_weight,
    int64_t & cpu_weight

Get the resource limits of an account


  • account - name of the account whose resource limit to get
  • ram_bytes - output to hold retrieved ram limit in absolute bytes
  • net_weight - output to hold net limit
  • cpu_weight - output to hold cpu limit

function set_resource_limits

void eosio::set_resource_limits(
    name account,
    int64_t ram_bytes,
    int64_t net_weight,
    int64_t cpu_weight

Set the resource limits of an account


  • account - name of the account whose resource limit to be set
  • ram_bytes - ram limit in absolute bytes
  • net_weight - fractionally proportionate net limit of available resources based on (weight / total_weight_of_all_accounts)
  • cpu_weight - fractionally proportionate cpu limit of available resources based on (weight / total_weight_of_all_accounts)

function set_proposed_producers

std::optional<uint64_t> eosio::set_proposed_producers(
    const std::vector< producer_key > & prods

Proposes a schedule change


Once the block that contains the proposal becomes irreversible, the schedule is promoted to "pending" automatically. Once the block that promotes the schedule is irreversible, the schedule will become "active"


  • producers - vector of producer keys


an optional value of the version of the new proposed schedule if successful

function is_privileged

bool eosio::is_privileged(
    name account

Check if an account is privileged


  • account - name of the account to be checked


true if the account is privileged


false if the account is not privileged

function set_privileged

void eosio::set_privileged(
    name account,
    bool is_priv

Set the privileged status of an account


  • account - name of the account whose privileged account to be set
  • is_priv - privileged status

function get_active_producers

std::vector<name> eosio::get_active_producers()

Returns back the list of active producer names.

function eosio_exit

void eosio::eosio_exit(
    int32_t code

This method will abort execution of wasm without failing the contract. This is used to bypass all cleanup / destructors that would normally be called.


  • code - the exit code Example:

function current_time_point

time_point eosio::current_time_point()

Returns the time in microseconds from 1970 of the current block as a time_point


time in microseconds from 1970 of the current block as a time_point

function current_block_time

block_timestamp eosio::current_block_time()

Returns the time in microseconds from 1970 of the current block as a block_timestamp


time in microseconds from 1970 of the current block as a block_timestamp

function send_deferred

void eosio::send_deferred(
    const uint128_t & sender_id,
    name payer,
    const char * serialized_transaction,
    size_t size,
    bool replace = false

Send a deferred transaction


  • sender_id - Account name of the sender of this deferred transaction
  • payer - Account name responsible for paying the RAM for this deferred transaction
  • serialized_transaction - The packed transaction to be deferred
  • size - The size of the packed transaction, required for persistence.
  • replace - If true, will replace an existing transaction.

function get_action

action eosio::get_action(
    uint32_t type,
    uint32_t index

Retrieve the indicated action from the active transaction.


  • type - 0 for context free action, 1 for action
  • index - the index of the requested action


the indicated action

function read_transaction

size_t eosio::read_transaction(
    char * ptr,
    size_t sz

Access a copy of the currently executing transaction.


the currently executing transaction

function cancel_deferred

int eosio::cancel_deferred(
    const uint128_t & sender_id

Cancels a deferred transaction.


  • sender_id - The id of the sender


The deferred transaction ID exists.


The deferred transaction ID has not yet been published.


Deferred transaction canceled.


1 if transaction was canceled, 0 if transaction was not found


id = 0xffffffffffffffff
cancel_deferred( id );

function transaction_size

size_t eosio::transaction_size()

Gets the size of the currently executing transaction.


size of the currently executing transaction

function tapos_block_num

int eosio::tapos_block_num()

Gets the block number used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction.


block number used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction Example:

int tbn = tapos_block_num();

function tapos_block_prefix

int eosio::tapos_block_prefix()

Gets the block prefix used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction.


block prefix used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction Example:

int tbp = tapos_block_prefix();

function expiration

uint32_t eosio::expiration()

Gets the expiration of the currently executing transaction.

Gets the expiration of the currently executing transaction.


expiration of the currently executing transaction in seconds since Unix epoch

function get_context_free_data

int eosio::get_context_free_data(
    uint32_t index,
    char * buff,
    size_t size

Retrieve the signed_transaction.context_free_data[index].


  • index - the index of the context_free_data entry to retrieve
  • buff - output buff of the context_free_data entry
  • size - amount of context_free_data[index] to retrieve into buff, 0 to report required size


size copied, or context_free_data[index].size() if 0 passed for size, or -1 if index not valid

function write_decimal

char* eosio::write_decimal(
    char * begin,
    char * end,
    bool dry_run,
    uint64_t number,
    uint8_t num_decimal_places,
    bool negative

function check (1/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    const char * msg

Assert if the predicate fails and use the supplied message. Example:

eosio::check(a == b, "a does not equal b");

function check (2/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    const std::string & msg

Assert if the predicate fails and use the supplied message. Example:

eosio::check(a == b, "a does not equal b");

function check (3/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    std::string && msg

Assert if the predicate fails and use the supplied message. Example:

eosio::check(a == b, "a does not equal b");

function check (4/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    const char * msg,
    size_t n

Assert if the predicate fails and use a subset of the supplied message. Example:

const char* msg = "a does not equal b b does not equal a";
eosio::check(a == b, "a does not equal b", 18);

function check (5/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    const std::string & msg,
    size_t n

Assert if the predicate fails and use a subset of the supplied message. Example:

std::string msg = "a does not equal b b does not equal a";
eosio::check(a == b, msg, 18);

function check (6/6)

void eosio::check(
    bool pred,
    uint64_t code

Assert if the predicate fails and use the supplied error code. Example:

eosio::check(a == b, 13);

function operator<< (1/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator<<(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    const std::list< T > & l

Serialize an std::list into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • opt - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (1/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator>>(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    std::list< T > & l

Deserialize an std::list from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • opt - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (2/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator<<(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    const std::deque< T > & d

Serialize an std::deque into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • opt - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (2/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator>>(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    std::deque< T > & d

Deserialize an std::deque from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • opt - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (3/19)

template<typename Stream, typename... Ts>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator<<(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    const std::variant< Ts... > & var

Serialize an std::variant into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • opt - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function deserialize

template<int I, typename Stream, typename... Ts>
void eosio::deserialize(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    std::variant< Ts... > & var,
    int i

function operator>> (3/19)

template<typename Stream, typename... Ts>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator>>(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    std::variant< Ts... > & var

Deserialize an std::variant from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • opt - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (4/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T1, typename T2>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::pair< T1, T2 > & t

Serialize an std::pair


  • ds - The stream to write
  • t - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • Args - Type of the objects contained in the tuple


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (4/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T1, typename T2>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::pair< T1, T2 > & t

Deserialize an std::pair


  • ds - The stream to read
  • t - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • Args - Type of the objects contained in the tuple


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (5/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator<<(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    const std::optional< T > & opt

Serialize an optional into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • opt - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (5/19)

template<typename Stream, typename T>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator>>(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    std::optional< T > & opt

Deserialize an optional from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • opt - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (6/19)

template<typename Stream>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator<<(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    const bool & d

Serialize a bool into a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • d - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (6/19)

template<typename Stream>
datastream<Stream>& eosio::operator>>(
    datastream< Stream > & ds,
    bool & d

Deserialize a bool.

Deserialize a bool from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • d - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • Stream - Type of datastream buffer


datastream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (7/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::string & v

Serialize a string into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (7/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::string & v

Deserialize a string from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (8/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::size_t N>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::array< T, N > & v

Serialize a fixed size std::array


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the array
  • N - Size of the array


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (8/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::size_t N>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::array< T, N > & v

Deserialize a fixed size std::array.

Deserialize a fixed size std::array


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the array
  • N - Size of the array


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (9/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::enable_if_t< _datastream_detail::is_pointer< T >()> *>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,

Deserialize a a pointer.

Pointer should not be serialized, so this function will always throws an error


  • ds - The stream to read

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the pointer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream


Throw an exception if it is a pointer

function operator<< (9/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::size_t N, std::enable_if_t<!_datastream_detail::is_primitive< T >() &&!_datastream_detail::is_pointer< T >()> *>
DataStream & eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const T(&) v

Serialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type.

Serialize a fixed size C array of primitive type. Serialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the pointer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

Serialize a fixed size C array of primitive type


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the pointer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (10/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::size_t N, std::enable_if_t<!_datastream_detail::is_primitive< T >() &&!_datastream_detail::is_pointer< T >()> *>
DataStream & eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    T(&) v

Deserialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type.

Deserialize a fixed size C array of primitive type. Deserialize a fixed size C array of non-primitive and non-pointer type


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the object contained in the array
  • N - Size of the array
  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

Deserialize a fixed size C array of primitive type


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the object contained in the array
  • N - Size of the array
  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (10/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::vector< char > & v

Serialize a vector of char.

Serialize a vector of char


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (11/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::vector< T > & v

Serialize a vector.

Serialize a vector


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the vector


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (11/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::vector< char > & v

Deserialize a vector of char.

Deserialize a vector of char


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (12/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::vector< T > & v

Deserialize a vector.

Deserialize a vector


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the vector


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (12/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::set< T > & s

Serialize a set.

Serialize a set


  • ds - The stream to write
  • s - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the set


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (13/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::set< T > & s

Deserialize a set.

Deserialize a set


  • ds - The stream to read
  • s - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the object contained in the set


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (13/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename K, typename V>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::map< K, V > & m

Serialize a map.

Serialize a map


  • ds - The stream to write
  • m - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • K - Type of the key contained in the map
  • V - Type of the value contained in the map


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (14/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename K, typename V>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::map< K, V > & m

Deserialize a map.

Deserialize a map


  • ds - The stream to read
  • m - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • K - Type of the key contained in the map
  • V - Type of the value contained in the map


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (14/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename... Args>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const std::tuple< Args... > & t

Serialize a tuple.

Serialize a tuple


  • ds - The stream to write
  • t - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • Args - Type of the objects contained in the tuple


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (15/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename... Args>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    std::tuple< Args... > & t

Deserialize a tuple.

Deserialize a tuple


  • ds - The stream to read
  • t - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • Args - Type of the objects contained in the tuple


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (15/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_class< T >::value > *>
DataStream & eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const T & v

Serialize a class.

Serialize a primitive type. Serialize a class


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of class


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

Serialize a primitive type


  • ds - The stream to write
  • v - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the primitive type


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (16/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_class< T >::value > *>
DataStream & eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    T & v

Deserialize a class.

Deserialize a primitive type. Deserialize a class


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of class


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

Deserialize a primitive type


  • ds - The stream to read
  • v - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream
  • T - Type of the primitive type


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function unpack (1/2)

template<typename T>
T eosio::unpack(
    const char * buffer,
    size_t len

Unpack data inside a fixed size buffer as T.

Unpack data inside a fixed size buffer as T

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the unpacked data


  • buffer - Pointer to the buffer
  • len - Length of the buffer


T - The unpacked data

function unpack (2/2)

template<typename T>
T eosio::unpack(
    const std::vector< char > & bytes

Unpack data inside a variable size buffer as T.

Unpack data inside a variable size buffer as T

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the unpacked data


  • bytes - Buffer


T - The unpacked data

function pack_size

template<typename T>
size_t eosio::pack_size(
    const T & value

Get the size of the packed data.

Get the size of the packed data

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the data to be packed


  • value - Data to be packed


size_t - Size of the packed data

function pack

template<typename T>
std::vector<char> eosio::pack(
    const T & value

Get packed data.

Get packed data

Template parameters:

  • T - Type of the data to be packed


  • value - Data to be packed


bytes - The packed data

function operator<< (16/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const ::eosio::ignore_wrapper< T > & val

Serialize ignored_wrapper's T value.

Serialize an ignored_wrapper type into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • val - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (17/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const ::eosio::ignore< T > & val

Serialize an ignored type.

Serialize an ignored type into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • ignore - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (17/19)

template<typename DataStream, typename T>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    ::eosio::ignore< T > & 

Deserialize an ignored type.

Deserialize an ignored type from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • ignored - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function pow

template<uint8_t Base, typename T>
constexpr T eosio::pow(
    uint8_t exponent



function printhex

void eosio::printhex(
    const void * ptr,
    uint32_t size

Prints a block of bytes in hexadecimal


  • ptr - pointer to bytes of interest
  • size - number of bytes to print

function printl

void eosio::printl(
    const char * ptr,
    size_t len

Prints string to a given length


  • ptr - a string
  • len - number of chars to print

function print (1/7)

void eosio::print(
    const char * ptr

Prints string


  • ptr - a null terminated string

function print (2/7)

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< std::decay_t< T >>::value &&std::is_signed< std::decay_t< T >>::value, int >>
void eosio::print(
    T num

Prints 8-128 bit signed integer


  • num to be printed

Prints 8-128 bit unsigned integer


  • num to be printed

function print (3/7)

void eosio::print(
    float num

Prints single-precision floating point number (i.e. float)


  • num to be printed

function print (4/7)

void eosio::print(
    double num

Prints double-precision floating point number (i.e. double)


  • num to be printed

function print (5/7)

void eosio::print(
    long double num

Prints quadruple-precision floating point number (i.e. long double)


  • num to be printed

function print (6/7)

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral< std::decay_t< T >>::value, int >>
void eosio::print(
    T && t

Prints class object


  • t to be printed


T must implements print() function

function print_f (1/2)

void eosio::print_f(
    const char * s

Prints null terminated string


  • s null terminated string to be printed

function print_f (2/2)

template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
void eosio::print_f(
    const char * s,
    Arg val,
    Args... rest

Prints formatted string. It behaves similar to C printf/

Template parameters:

  • Arg - Type of the value used to replace the format specifier
  • Args - Type of the value used to replace the format specifier


  • s - Null terminated string with to be printed (it can contains format specifier)
  • val - The value used to replace the format specifier
  • rest - The values used to replace the format specifier


print_f("Number of apples: %", 10);

function print (7/7)

template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
void eosio::print(
    Arg && a,
    Args &&... args

Print out value / list of values

Template parameters:

  • Arg - Type of the value used to replace the format specifier
  • Args - Type of the value used to replace the format specifier


  • a - The value to be printed
  • args - The other values to be printed


const char *s = "Hello World!";
uint64_t unsigned_64_bit_int = 1e+18;
uint128_t unsigned_128_bit_int (87654323456);
uint64_t string_as_unsigned_64_bit = "abcde"_n;
print(s , unsigned_64_bit_int, unsigned_128_bit_int, string_as_unsigned_64_bit);
// Ouput: Hello World!100000000000000000087654323456abcde

function overloaded (2/2)

template<class... Ts>

function operator<< (18/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const eosio::symbol_code sym_code

Serialize a symbol_code into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • sym - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (18/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    eosio::symbol_code & sym_code

Deserialize a symbol_code from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • symbol - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator<< (19/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator<<(
    DataStream & ds,
    const eosio::symbol sym

Serialize a symbol.

Serialize a symbol into a stream


  • ds - The stream to write
  • sym - The value to serialize

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function operator>> (19/19)

template<typename DataStream>
DataStream& eosio::operator>>(
    DataStream & ds,
    eosio::symbol & sym

Deserialize a symbol.

Deserialize a symbol from a stream


  • ds - The stream to read
  • symbol - The destination for deserialized value

Template parameters:

  • DataStream - Type of datastream buffer


DataStream& - Reference to the datastream

function seconds

microseconds eosio::seconds(
    int64_t s

function milliseconds

microseconds eosio::milliseconds(
    int64_t s

function minutes

microseconds eosio::minutes(
    int64_t m

function hours

microseconds eosio::hours(
    int64_t h

function days

microseconds eosio::days(
    int64_t d

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: libraries/eosiolib/contracts/eosio/action.hpp